Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am in the search engine.

I am in gooogle search.. haha!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A funny chinese break off letter!!

extracted from this gal's blog <史上最強e王國 網路行銷團隊 >



任職一年多來, 在崗位上我努力學習,克盡職守,




雖不經手財務,卻要負起所有買單重責; 三不五時還要送禮討你歡心。



剛任職之時不知如何拿捏,犯了幾次錯誤竟敢與你鬧情緒 幾度你想把我開除,

後來在我保證不再犯的前提下, 你勉強再給我觀察期。




上班時間彈性,不用隨 call隨到,不用接送, 不用買單,不用送禮,

不用面對你冷漠一面, 可看到你陽光似的笑容,聽到你幽默言談。


沒有甜言蜜語,沒有多一點關心,沒有禮物,沒有... 決定辭去這職務,

至於你是否願讓我調部門, 一切尊重你的裁決.....

一個盡心盡力的員工 敬上





以下決議事項向您說明: 因您當初面試時的職務為情人,

標準與要求一開始就跟朋友不同, 雖然試用期間你的表現不好差點被開除,



但是薪資及福利保證優於朋友部門, 情人有按摩、親親、抱抱、陪睡、陪同參予家庭聚會與煮宵夜的紅利與福利,

還有很好的升遷管道,可以升為老公、爸爸、阿公...等,這些絕對都是朋友部門所沒 有的。


因此在未尋獲新人或職務代理人並完成交接前, 先將您轉調到備胎部門,

這個部門的人員不需要每天面對老闆,應該可以暫時讓您的 責任跟壓力不那麼大。



當然自動離職 是沒有遣散費的。 謝謝您一年多來的努力...

董事會成員代表 敬上

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Ytd I was working whole day.. damn tired.. haha!! but I was learning a lot of things everyday.. haha!! Anyway.. this is a mv I wish to share ... Ben Taylor's My wicked way!!

I just want to take you out and get you drunk so I can have my wicked way with you
I’m just being honest cause I know the other guys are thinking just the same way too
And I’m not gonna lie and say that I will take you out to dance there’s just no chance ‘cause I don’t even like the same music you do
I just wanna have my wicked way with you
So don’t you fight it Cause I know you’re gonna like it
Show me some skin I might bite it
I wanna have my wicked with you.
So I’m not gonna come over and meet your mom and dad
They know that I was bad
And I don’t want to meet your friends or just pretend I like you
And I don’t want to talk about what happened on your favorite tv show
I just want to get you close enough so I can take off all your clothes
And I’m not gonna make you cry or break your heart girl we don’t have the time
I’m just thinking of three hours or more
So I can have my wicked way with you
So don’t you fight it
Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it
Show me some skin I might bite it
I wanna have my wicked way with you
Wicked way with you
My wicked way with you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Saturday Weekend special!!

Last Saturday is quite fun.. Weijie is going japan for holiday on monday.. so sam and I meet up with him for a dinner special before he flew to japan to enjoy his very own japan
We go to Central Santouka Ramen to have special ramen. It is good.. Plus we get to see some pretty japanese gals.. haha!! Oooo.. my dish is fried rices with Sho Ramen and plus a salads... YUMMY!!
It is a great meals.. Then we go eat some japanese deserts.. THen we go kinokuniya to looked at books.. I must say central is a place that you can find a lot of japanese stuffs there. ;) Then Weijie and Sam went home while I go meet another group of friends.

Well after that, I meet marks and Jane to go clubbing.. haha!! it had been 2months plus since I last go clubbing.. Well, we went to Lunar bar to see how is it.. It is my first time going there.. but I found that it is like canto bar to me.. So I told them to hop to rebel to club.. WEll, rebel is good but .. abit too crowded.. then I told Marks and Jane to go my favorite club Bellini Grande.. Where my singer, Patrick, was there singing.. THere is him taking photo with me. haha!!~~ Anyway I got a good nite on Saturday!! I hope every week will be as happy like this nite..

Signing off~~~~~

Friday, October 9, 2009

unable to access Facebook


... Unable to access facebook in the morning.. feeling sad.. Well.. look like facebook is getting harder and harder to log in. ~~~


Well what to do... go work then. ~~