Well this part is the last part of I'm back from Taiwan. The 7days and 6night trip is going to be unforgetable shopping trip for me.. haha!! The last three days we go around the IT zones of Taipei to search for games, DVD and harddish.
Day 5, we go 龙山寺 ( Long Shan Si ) to pray.. Well it is also a tourist's attraction as it is very accurate in getting what you pray for. haha!!

This is the main entrance of Long Shan Si. It is well maintained in Taipei.. Lucky it is weekday.. it is not much people there.. I heard weekend at Long Shan Si... it will be like a traffic jam at there.. haha!!! After that we go shopping at 忠孝新生 ( Zhong Xiao Xin Sheng )
for Harddish, DVD and games. Man... Shopping shopping shopping... Go there it is the life haha!!

This is the night life at Taipei.. Very colourful if you ask me.. haha!! Well I envy the Taiwan teens ... everywhere there are things to see and buy... better than Singapore. Anyway after that we go Modern Toilet Restaurant to eat the toilet dishes..
This is the theme restaurant that sell toilet dishes.. Like what the motto say challenge the limit.. We order several dishes.. Below is the look of the dishes...

Well it is ice-cream shit in the bowel and the Ice lemon urine in the urine bowel. haha!! Very unqiue... but I quite like the way they display. we have a good dinner there. You cant find this in Singapore..heee Who will dare to eat them..
Day 6 and Day 7:
Day 6 we decided to try something different for breakfast.. so we go out around hotel and search for Taipei's morning breakfast. Unlike in Singapore, I will eat roti pata or wanton mee for breakfast... now we are in Taipei, we should test their breakfast there.. so we go into 牛扎面店, a small restaurant that sells beef and chicken noodle.

This is the genki Chicken noodle. It is a herb soup with handmade noodle and chicken on it. Taste not bad... quite like it.. That why I took a picture on it.. haha!! after that we go to the 台北地下街(Taipei underground street)to shop. haha!! Again we go shop.. Well the Taipei underground street is quite long... Inside got a number of shops selling game console and games... not forgetting it also selling clothes and foodstuffs..
What he hold is the game console that I think Singapore doesnt sell anymore... Yes!! Dreamcast.. the game console that some of the great titles are being made and only can be played with this console. haha!!I still remember I am trying to save a lot of money just to buy this console.. but by the time I got the money... I cant find this console as it is no longer selling in Singapore.

Well at night we decide to try out the club in Taipei.. We go to Luxy to check out whether it is better than Singapore Clubbing industry.Well it is not much different from Singapore. The only different is the gals will really dressed like what japanese gals wore.. HOT!!! My eyes are eating ice cream ... heehee.. Luxy is playing trance songs that night.. which I think not much fun there.. so we decided to go Lava.. another club. When we got there, we saw MC Hot Dog (Favorite DJ cum singer) performing there. We go in and watch a live performance there. haha!!! But I must say Lava's bar attendant is good in making cocktail.. I like their drinks.. we danced and drank till 2am before we called it a night. It is a great time not to be miss.
Day 7:
Day 7 is the day we had to miss Taipei.. Well I missed their food... their pretty gals.. hhaahaI guess I will come back to Taipei again for sightseeing.. maybe I will go Taizhong too next time..

When I took this photo meaning I mark the end of my Taiwan Trip with a "to be continue".... I will back Taiwan... haha!!!