Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yesterday my friends and I go for a friend's memorial and after the memorial, we decided to go for a movie. I saw Wanted and asked them to watch it. heehee!! This movie is based on a comic book called Wanted by Mark Miller. It is a action based movie starring James McAvoy as Wesley Gibson (Main Male Character), Morgan Freeman as Sloan (Main Boss) and Angelina Jolie as Fox (Mentor of Wesley).
The movie is about a thousand-year-old secret society of assassins who kills people from The Loom of Fate. Wesley got a talent that can see things in bullet time mode. So Sloan (The Mastermind) is trying to recruit Wesley to search for his father killer and the secret society of assassins' traitor named Cross. Then the story starts....
It is a "OK" movie for me. I like the plot and some funny scenes and action scenes. But the fact that bullet can curl around other people and hit the target is very overwhelming to me. I think the in world there is no such thing happen. It is a 1hr 30mins +/- movie. Good to watch if you are fan of actions and Jolie's fan. Below is the link to more details on the movie.


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