Sunday, August 31, 2008
李玖哲 - 不完美
你常常说 我很完美
没人能取代 我给的一切
我就以为 我努力更完美
我们 就会永远
完美并不美 我们多虚伪
你让我的好 变成一种罪
完美并不美 当你爱了谁
我的完美也只是 不完美
后来你说 我太完美
值得更好的 陪在我身边
你不是我 你怎么能体会
你有 多么珍贵
完美并不美 我们多虚伪
你让我的好 变成一种罪
完美并不美 当你爱了谁
我的完美也只是 不完美
完美并不美 我们多虚伪
你让我的好 变成一种罪
完美并不美 当你爱了谁
我的完美成了 罪
完美并不美 我们多虚伪
你让我的好 变成一种罪
完美并不美 当你爱了谁
我的完美也只是 不完美
Comex day!!

I bought a 8gig memory stick for my psp. Well I was thinking of doing my math of spending money on laptop. Think of buying a laptop for my mom to use... but ;( not much spare cash to use. So have to tighter my pocket and tell her that next year I will buy for her.

This year comex got a lot of stuffs made from china and brought to Singapore to sell. Like this
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Off day!! Hi Meet Dave!!!

Finally a a half off day for me. Been work for days, but I have to work in the morning... then go for my half day off. I meet my friends at The Cathay to watch this movie
Well this movie is quite funny. Another Eddie Murphy not bad movie.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hell week!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Desmond's written love song story.
Below is the songs I like about Nicky Lee. I am trying to use his songs to make a story. It is about a guy and a gal friction type of Love story. It is a 5 parts story using the songs as the heading...
- 快点来爱我 by 李玖哲
Kang Liming, a dull but funny 27 years old guy. He works in a small pizza company as a delivery guy. He likes to help friends, so he is a popular guy. He is always surrounded with a lot of friends . But he doesn't have a girlfriend before and he is very lonely. He is waiting for fate to fall on him to meet the destiny girl. One day, he went window-shopping around Orchard Road where he bumped to a girl while didn't notice when moving to a corner of the building. Both of them fell down after bumping to each other. Liming gets up looking disoriented but quickly get back to his senses. He goes and helps the girl to get up. He is stoned of the beauty of the girl when he is helping the girl to get up to her feet. The girl looks a bit shy when Liming looks at her.
- 只牵你的手 by 李玖哲
Liming says sorry to that girl and introduces himself hoping the girl will introduce herself to Liming. Luckily the girl doesnt mind of the incident and told Liming her name is Tan Yuefen. Liming was happy in heart and decided to find a excuse to date the Yuefen.
Liming says, "I'm sorry that I bumped to you. Are you hurt? Can I treat you a cup of coffee at Starbucks as a token of bumping you?"
Yuefen think for a while and says, "Ok, but it is on your tab. Anyway I am looking for a place to rest after window shopping."
Liming is happy and both of them went Starbucks to drink coffee. Both of them got to know much about each other and found out they have a lot in common. Yuefen is a quiet but cheerful 24yrs old girl. She got a boyfriend before but they broke off long time ago. Liming was sad at first when he heard she got a boyfriend but after he heard that Yuefen is single again, he was very happy. He got Yuefen's hp number and starts to ask her out frequently. After a few dates of going out, Liming was happy and was thinking that if he can hold Yuefen's hands, it will be the most happiest thing in his life. He was in love.
- 想太多 by 李玖哲
One day, Yuefen asked Liming out for a walk. Yuefen was a bit not herself and not happy as she stills thinking of her ex-boyfriend. So Liming decided to make Yuefen happy again and try to make her from forget about her ex-boyfriend by bringing her to various place to have fun. They been to the zoo to take some photographies on the funny animals, go to Jurong swimming pool to swim and even go to Yuefen's House to sing karaoke with her. Yuefen was very grateful of what Liming is doing and got a bit touched of it. Soon Yuefen's birthday is coming, Liming wants to celebrate her birthday with Yuefen and bought a birthday cake for her. But on that day, Yuefen's ex boyfriend came and wish to be with Yuefen again. Yuefen is unwilling to be back with her ex-boyfriend after Liming done a lot of things with her trying to make her happy so she rejects her ex-boyfriend. Yuefen fell in love with Liming.
- 你好吗? by 李玖哲 周笔畅
On the other hand, Liming reached Yuefen's house and saw there is another guy's shoe outside the house. He knew that it is Yuefen's ex boyfriend who had came back to look for Yuefen on Yuefen's birthday. So Liming decided to let Yuefen be with her ex-boyfriend and left the cake outside Yuefen's house before leaving. Liming came back home and thinks he may not be able to see Yuefen forever if Yuefen got back to her ex-boyfriend. But he doesn't know what to do.
So the next morning he send a message to Yuefen and the message is saying, "Morning and Happy Belayed Birthday... I am sorry yesterday is your birthday but I didnt come and celebrate with you. I knew your ex-boyfriend came back to look for you. I was just checking up about you, are you ok?"
After a while after sent the message, Yuefen's message came back. It says, "Morning, I am ok. Yup.. He came to look for me to be with me again....."
Liming saw the message and he suddenly felt he had been hit by a 10 ton hammer on his head... (a expression).. He then reply a message saying, "What do you say then?...."
Liming had prepared for the worst.
- 爱不需要理由 by 李玖哲
Then came Yuefen's message which says, "O.. I reject him already."
Liming was puzzled of why Yuefen would do after a few weeks ago, she is still thinking of her ex-boyfriend. So he sends a message saying, "Why you reject him? I thought you are still thinking of him."
Yuefen sent back a message saying,"I got someone else in my heart... and my heart can't store two people."
For a minute, Liming thought Yuefen will accept her boyfriend but Liming was still puzzled and sent another message saying, "Who is it? I didnt heard from you that you love anyone else beside your ex-boyfriend."
Yuefen send back a message saying, "That person is you... you stupid guy."
Liming saw that message and he was jumping happily high and low. . But now he is sure that no one can stop him from asking Yuefen to be his girlfriend. He sends a message to Yuefen to ask her to be his girlfriend. Yuefen sends a message telling Liming to open the door. Liming opened the door and saw Yuefen standing outside his house. Yuefen nodded at Liming as a agreement to be his girlfriend. Liming was happy and hugged Yuefen. They finally become a couple.
A new Love Story on Liming and Yuefen starts now...................
This love song story is brought to you by Desmond. V!
Monday, August 11, 2008
My Pic on "The New Paper"
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Football session at FICO SPORT HUB

- What is "futsal"?
The term, "futsal", is derived from the Portuguese futebol de salão and Spanish fútbol sala/de salón, which can be translated to 'indoor football'. It is a five-a-side indoor version of football that originated in South America . For more information, click futsal Wikipedia.
I was waiting for other team to lose so that I can go play. haha!!!
Time Rate
Off Peak Hours $48
Weekdays and Public Holidays $60
Friday, August 8, 2008
猟奇的な彼女 aka My sassy Girlfriend

猟奇的な彼女 aka Ryokiteki na Kanojo (My Sassy Girlfriend). It is Based on the hit South Korean movie, My Sassy Girl, the character backgrounds and plot details will be changed for the drama. While the protagonists in the original film were college students, this time the pair will be a marine biology professor, Masaki Saburo, and Takami Riko, an aspiring writer. The drama will based on how they meet, how they cope with each other, how Masaki must bear with Takami's temper and demand and what happen in the end...
Well What will you do if you have a girlfriend that is very SASSY? What will be your life be if that happened? Is there any guys who like to be beaten up by girlfriends? haha!!
I think I should get a sassy girlfriend, maybe I will know how it feels? haha!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
over 1,000 applications on AMK flats?

Park Central@AMK, Singapore’s third condominium—style public housing development had attracted over 1000 applications. What is so good about the flats? It is the new HDB condonminium style flats with the look and feel of a private residential home cost at $500 per square foot that attracted the crowd.
This is the another new type of HDB flats introduced by HDB beside City View@Boon Keng. For more information, check out this link: HDB
Sunday, August 3, 2008
李玖哲+周筆暢 - 你好嗎
Another 李玖哲 good song.... This time he partner 周筆暢 in this song. THis is nice to listen. Man... look like I am becoming 李玖哲's fan.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Whole day fun!!!
- 0800H - Leave House to go meet Wenhao at YCK MRT.
- 0830H - Met Wenhao and we decided to go NYP to swim.
- 0900H - Unable to go into NYP to swim so we go YCK swimming complex to swim.
- 1110H - Finished swimming and we go to NYP for lunch.
- 1210H - Finished the lunch and we go AMK Hub for a window shopping.
- 1330H - After the window shopping, go to Bugis MRT to meetup with the rest of the gang.
- 1345H - Sam, Weijie, Hanyuan, each of them one by one appeared. haha!!!
- 1415H - Go Sim Lim Square to search for some stuffs for Hanyuan.
- 1535H - After that, we go TCC to have some coffee and refreshment.
- 1645H - We go to Bugis Junction to buy movie tickets for 1900H.
- 1715H - We go to Sunshine Plaza to see some G.U.N.D.A.M. Figures.
- 1900H - After that, we went back to Bugis Junction to watch the movie.
- 2015H - The Movie ended .. Short movie...
- 2200H - We go apart and went home.
We have a lot of fun in the day. I took a pic using Wenhao's phone. He got theme on the picture.
Well this photo is taken at NYP's "KouFu". Do I have the looks of Person of the year? haha!!!